I have started the gluten fest! It was actually all good and I was loving all the gluten until tonight. I think my body has finally realized what's going on because I cannot move. I can feel my insides and they hurt...BAD. Actually when I started eating gluten I got embarrassed, because I had no symptoms. I thought this was all in my head and I was a crazy. Welllll tonight this has changed. Lets see if I can make it through another 23 days.
My first semi-glutenous meal (crabcakes) |
Sweet sweet delicious cornbread |
Jacks crawfish po' boy that I helped demolish |
I haven't ran in 4 days. But, I have walked for 26 hours in 4 days. Non-stop walking is my job and after my first 8 hour day I. Was. DEAD. I'm jumping back on my training schedule tomorrow though!
My plan for this week
W-Interval training .25 mile sprint .2 mile jog for 3 miles
Th-5 miles
F-4 miles
Sat-8 miles
School has been kicking my butt lately. With work and all the other activities I'm in sometimes school gets put on the backburner. This is NOT okay and I realize with the grades I've been getting things need to change. But, I'm extremely confident everything will work out and I WILL get good grades this semester. I actually started off this new attitude by rocking an Ed Psych exam this morning. I studied for a good week and I realize I just need to start studying earlier!
Now back to reality. Woooooo!
Ooh, how is your ed psych class? that sounds like fun. maybe its not the gluten but all of the fired and sugar that makes your tumm hurt. i know that does it for me AND my pants dont fit. hooray!