Messy vision board, calendar, and shelf set up on the wall! Also I have a place for my books! Nobody would believe what my old room looked like and how crammed it was.
I had a big salad for lunch and snapped a pic with my phone.
I had spinach, broccoli, carrots, balsamic, mustard, cottage cheese, and some chips added to a pre-made mix of iceberg and tomato. It twas noms. The dinner board says grilled chicken, veggies, salad, and cous cous, so good they named it twice (what movie is that from?!). I'd love some wheat filled cous cous :( And I would also like ALL the cookies for dessert. It's really ok, because I have gluten free ginger snaps in my room!
I go 2 days without running and I literally start to feel crazy. So I got my butt down to the basement (so convenient) of our house and hopped on the treadmill for 5.5 miles. I did the first 5 in 43 mins! And finished with walking for 7 minutes to get to 5.5. It felt so gouda.
Maybe I'm posting twice in one day because I don't want to look at school work?!?! Here is my schedule so you can understand the craziness.
Add in 5 hours of miscellaneous office hours throughout the week as a Greek Intern and thats my CLASS schedule. The meetings I have throughout the week for the student organizations I'm in aren't even shown. It's cwazy, but I kinda like it that way.
I'm going to do homework now I swear.
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